As usual, I have so much more important things to do than making blogposts and recording videos. Therefore, I made two new blogposts and two new videos (because I love making them!). Of course.
I’m a huge procrastinator. I think I need to write more notes.
Anyway, this cake was actually a practice round for an episode of a tv show I’m going to be on. So in about a week or so I will be going to Finland for the first time in my life. Very exciting!
Video by me (Linda Lomelino)
Music by Death in the afternoon
Finland! Finland! What? Where? What? I 'm in Finland! Why do I not know anything about this?
Haha 🙂
I'm going to Vasa! The show is called Strömsö! Where are you?
Strömsö! What a fantastic show 🙂 Love to watch it. Awesome, Linda! Congrats. (as you see, I'm super excited.)
Omg really Strömsö? Omg omg omg all my favourites together!! This is amazing!
Oh, and forgot to say that that cake is so cool, I think one of my favourites:)
And I'm too excited to say all at once: but I live in Helsinki so have not the opportunity to be a paparazzi this time 🙁 But yeaaah I'll be waiting for the show! This is so amazing! ::D
Impressive cake!…and looks so deliciously good! I love the rustic/romantic style of your cakes! 🙂
Beautiful, and I will make this!!! I love your blog, and especially enjoy your band!!!
Hey! You need to tell more about your trip here to Finland! This cake looks beyond delicious. Ever since your video post yesterday on Facebook I've been coming back to your blog to look for the recipe post 😉 Can't wait to make this treat. But first I'm gonna make your Guinness chocolate cake. Can't wait 'til tomorrow!
It's such a lovely cake, I wouldn't want to disturb it to eat it! Oh wait… yes I would! I'm a huge fan of mascarpone!
The Occasional Indulgence
Ooooh, what an amazing cake! I gotta try this!
And welcome to Finland, can't wait to hear more about the reason you're coming here! 🙂 Hope you have a nice program planned and you get to see the best side of it!
Looks SO GOOD!!!! ♥
I need to make this tomorrow. Welcome to Finland!
Oh good, this cake screams EAT ME! I totally adore it 🙂
looks so delicious… but why do you make the second layer ? and not just making two cakes ? 🙂
Absolutely stunning photos! I need to make this cake, I love chocolate mascarpone…well, I love chocolate anything.
Gorgeous! This sounds so lovely.
Oh it looks delicious! I love how tall it is, all piled up with berries. Your photography is beautiful x Rachel 🙂
Looks beautiful and delicious all in one.
Can you substitute the 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder for vanilla extract (liquid)?
Thanks for sharing such a great cake!
Thank you!
Vanilla extract works fine too 🙂
It looks delicious!! I think it is the most greedy cake I've seen in my life!
I'm completely in love with it 🙂
Erika (from Italy)
Wow, I am So impressed! This cake looks so beautiful and delicious!
You are very talented! Thanks so much for the recipe.
Very glad to hear about your visit to Finland (and I see I'm not the only one!)! Can't wait to hear what it's all about, please give us a hint on Facebook so that we won't miss it! 😉
Love! Love! Love! Congrats for the TV show! Wootwoot amazing Linda!!
Lovely! You are my favourite food photographer:) I wish I had your book!
yummy yummy! how delicious looks this…. good job!
absolutely stunning 🙂
You have completely inspired me to start baking again! Love your photography. Congratulations on going to Finland!
So beautiful and delicious!!!
Congratulations to your blog.
this cake looks amazing. good luck on the tv show!
oh. my. god! that looks totally amazing
kw Ladies in Navy
Stunning photography, and the cake looks too good to eat
Amazing amazing!!
I love the cake ! looks amazing and sounds very delicious !
Thanks for sharing the recipe !
regards from vienna,
Thank you so much!
My jaw is hanging loose just looking at the pictures! Keep us posted on your adventure in Finland and good luck!
Definitely! Thank you so much 🙂
I couldn't wait the next post… And here it is – as always ravishing and satisfying my hunger for gorgeous pictures. Thank you! ♥
Thank you Dominika <3
Hej. Har du slutat att lägga upp recepten på svenska?
Hej! Ja, jag har slutat med det. Jag kommer snart starta upp en helsvensk blogg!
Ohhhhh Good God! This sounds soooooo delicious!
Mascarpone and chocolate cream… splurrrrppp!! Looks delicious!
herregud, det är så fantastiskt. alla dina bilder! W O W
I've no more words to describe the feelings you're able to give us every time. It's such a wonderful sensation. I told you so many times that you're fantastic and your work is perfect. But it isn't enough ,never.
You're the best 🙂
really thank you, <3
This video is brilliant, as is the cake. Congratulations!
I am drooling! It looks so yummy
Que tentação!
Oh my, this looks AMAZING! seriously it looks incredible. Your foodphotografy is wonderful and your video too! I am not the biggest fan of chocolate but i know that with some acidity from fruits such as passionfruit or berries it can be awesome. Thanks for making this post!!
btw, what is the name of the font you used to write 'Chocolate mascarpone cake' and 'with berries' in your video and in the first image? Thanks!
Oh my god! THis loooks just so so fantastic!
Wow..this is amazing..I want it!
This cake looks amazing! One question what is the conversion of 75 grams melted Chocolate to cups or tablespoons?
Well this is just crazy beautiful.
Jättefin och otroligt smaskig ser den ut!
Den här vill jag prova.
What an absolutely gorgeous cake!
Undrar bara om du inte kan göra fler videos på hur du gör några av dina tårtor i din bok? Fick den i julklapp och har testat fyra fem stycken men dom blir inte alls lika fina som dina så jag tänkte att du kanske kunde visa på film hur man får till en fin utsida med frostingen?
Tack för mig 😀
Fantastiskt! Allt du rör vid blir till sockerguld 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE! I made this wonderful cake, thanks Linda, you're awesome!
This looks amazing and beatuful! Oooh, I love chocolate and this has to be delicius!!
i just saw the strömsö episode you were on! that cake looks so good, im definitely going to try to make one myself.
Jätte roligt att se dej i tv,och dina kakor ser så enormt goda ut!
Hej Linda! Jag såg dig också just på Strömsö och fick mycket inspiration, tack så mycket! Den här kakan ser så väldigt läcker ut att nu hoppas jag bara att komma få en passande evenemang att prova på. 🙂
Jag ser mycket fram emot din nya bok om glass!
Vad roligt att höra Ellis! Tack!
Thanks for the great blog, I adore these pics and recipes. 🙂
Thank you Maria 🙂
Hey 🙂 Is 1cup Flour 120g or 240g?
And 1/4 cup cacoa powder 30g or 60g?
Hi! 🙂
1 cup flour is about 140 g and 1/4 cup cocoa powder should be about 25 g! Hope that helps!
Beautiful cake, gorgeous pictures!!
I have maybe stupid question: the heavy cream in frosting: it that 1cup of beaten cream or liquid cream??
Hi Mia! Thank you!
Not a stupid queastion at all! It's 1 cup liquid cream which you then beat 🙂
Made this dream of a cake yesterday after longing for it since last January 😉 It was such a wonderful treat with fresh blueberries and wild strawberries from our summer cottage. The mascarpone filling was to die for! Thank you Linda for this awesome recipe.
So happy you enjoyed it Sini <3
I haven't eaten wild strawberries in years. I'm craving them!
Hello Linda,
which size of pans did you use? They look kind of small…
Oh, sorry, I've just found that…
Dear Linda, I just tried this chocolate cake recipe today and just to say THANK YOU!
The cake really pairs up well with the mascapone cream (love love love!!) and berries…not too sweet but with a lovely chocolate aroma.
My cake photo is here:
Dear Leslie,
I'm so glad you enjoyed this cake! That frosting is just so easy to make, and delicious. It looks amazing 🙂
Jag har kanske en dum fråga, men ska man vispa upp vispgrädden innan man blandar med mascarpone blandningen eller häller man rinnande grädde ner i ostblandningen o vispar sedan upp allt?
Tack på förhand!
Hej! Ingen fråga är dum 🙂
Du vispar inte upp grädden före. Som du säger så vispar du rinnande grädde och ostblandningen tills du får en tjock kräm. Vispa inte för mycket dock för då kan det skära sig! Bara precis lagom så att den är bredbar. Lycka till!
Just baked this cake…OMG what a winner!!! absolutely delicious!
Thanks so much for sharing!
I've tried baking this cake twice and it's always extremely dry and crumbly… I even added some oil to the second time and it didn't seem to help. Am I missing something?
Try baking it for a few minutes less! Something like 20 minutes maybe 🙂
I baked this today and shared the cake with 8 of my friends. First when they saw the cake they were amazed. Second when they ate it they looooved it. Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂
I recommend this cake to everyone, it is very simple to make, beautiful and delicious! Thank you! 🙂
Wow. That's really all I can say here…I made this incredible cake for a dear friends baby shower this past weekend. Legitimately the tastiest, densest, most delicious chocolate cake I have ever tasted. NO EXAGGERATION HERE PEOPLE! People now think I am some sort of engineer of cake, which i had to give you credit for! I will be back over and over! (I did also add shmear of blackberry preserves in between layers…*swoon*)
Wohoo! So glad you liked it so much! Thanks for your sweet comment Marisa!
This cake looks so gorgeous!!!!
But there's one thing,that I can't understand – is it really comfortable to eat it??? Pieces of this chocolate cake seems to be big and high enough:)))
Dear Linda,
this cake is so gorgeaous thatI decided to surprise my friend and make it for her birthday. I have 2 questions regarding that – I would like to make an 18-inch 2 layer cake and I was wondering, if there will be enough batter and frosting or should I add 25% more of all the ingredients? Secondly, to anticipate, can I make the 2 cakes a few days ahead, freeze them, and then take them out of the freezer one day before to frost the cake and decorate it?
I love your recipes, your photos, everything that you do, it's truly amazing!!
Thank you for your answers and for sharing your talent with us :)))))
All the best and sunny greetings from Paris,
Dear Karmen,
First of all, 18 inch? I'm guessing you mean 18 cm..? 🙂 Then I think you won't have to adjust the recipe at all – maybe just bake the cake a couple minutes shorter! The cake won't be as tall, but still pretty tall I think. You can definitely freeze the cake and take it out one day before. I would recommend, if possible, to frost and decorate the same day. If not, then store it in a way so the frosting won't absorb taste from the fridge.. Hope that helps! Best of luck and have a great day! Linda
Thank you so much Linda! You're right, 18 cm not 18 inches… I was doing too many things at a time and got my measurements mixed up :))).
Thank you so much for your quick reply, I truly appreciate it! I will definetly frost the cake the same day, as you suggested, thank you!!!
I love your book about dreamy cakes… I bought the French version in Paris!
Have a wonderful day,
This cake is truly amazing! It was a success! Thank you for sharing! Congratulations for your beautiful blog and book! Lara
Vilken tårta!! Har precis bakat den till ett släktkalas- Succé!!! Och den blev så uppskattad av sonen att han vill ha den till sitt barnkalas imorgon. Vid bordet yttrade ingen ett ord, alla var helt försjunkna i denna chokladiga dröm!! Tack för att du delat med dig av receptet. Den här kommer jag absolut att baka igen, ja faktiskt redan imorgon…
Allt gott,
Nej, vad roligt! Såå glad jag blir av att höra det 🙂 :-* Tack!
Dear Linda,
I've already made a couple of your cakes, and they are all just pure happiness. Now I've decided to make this cake for my finance's birthday, it looks particularly festive. Only thing is that I want to make it a bit bigger, the smallest pan I have is 9 inch. Could you help me to adapt the ingredients to the 9 inch pan? That would be really helpful!
Hello, you make such beautiful cakes!
I would like to make this cake for Christmas, how far in advance can I assemble the cake? Will it get soggy with the mascarpone on it? Should I make the topping and keep it separate in the fridge until it is time for dessert? Thank you!
Thank you so much, Rose!
I’d assemble the cake the same day. It can definitely take a few hours (even more I guess, but I’m thinking you want it to look the best for your guests!) in the fridge without becoming soggy! I would not store the frosting separately since it could affect the texture once you spread it on the cake 🙂 Hope that helps!
Hi dear Linda,
Did this for my friends that was coming from Australia and we all love it.
When I am not in my best mood I go and enjoy your amazing photos.
Can you maybe just help me with transfering in grams so I will be sure I didn’t make any mistake.
Any tips for the cake, it raised nicely but when I take it out it just come down 🙁
Guess I did something wrong.
I am so happy that blog like this exist. Thank you one more time. Kindest regards, Sanja, Split Croatia
Hi Linda, the cake looks beautiful. Your photos too!
How many portion? I would like to bake something for 15 people. Thank You!
Thanks Gabriela! 🙂 I’d say this cake is for 8-10 servings, but it totally depends of course!