This guide to Laholm is a paid collaboration with Visit Laholm. All opinions are as always, my own.
I’m so excited to be sharing this Guide to Laholm with you!
Just a few weeks ago, I had the great opportunity to explore beautiful Laholm. It’s so close to where I live, so I had never considered going there for a vacation (or in this case, perhaps it’s more of a staycation because it’s only a 20 minute drive from where I live!).
I think we all need to reconsider how we spend our vacations, especially now but also in the future. I haven’t been very good at exploring Sweden, and even less so the area I live in. After this “trip”, which I took with my great friend Emelie, we have been back to several places in this guide to Laholm!

We’ve actually been look at houses in this area too, so I was a little extra excited to explore. I’m so happy to share all these places in my guide to Laholm with you, and I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed creating it 🙂 And who knows, maybe I’ll be living here soon?!

A Guide to Laholm
Gamleby translates to ‘old village’ and is the oldest part of Laholm with the church S:t Clemens dating back to 1225 (!). If you love taking a stroll through old neighbourhoods with quaint houses, this a must (also very close to Teckningsmuséet and Delihallen, which are further down in this guide).

The Museum of drawings – I cannot believe I’ve never been here before! I was blown away by how good it was. The exhibition when I visited was ‘Drawn to the line‘ by Petra Börner & Annelie Carlström. They open with a new exhibition on September 26. Can’t wait to go back to see that one too!
Website | Address: Hästtorget, 312 30 Laholm

Located right next to Teckningsmuséet, we came here almost everyday for lunch, coffee and ice cream. They have a delicious burger with a local cheese called Nofva cheese which is similar to halloumi cheese but so much better and less squeaky! It’s from Skottorps dairy farm (located right next to the castle of Skottorp which you can see further down in this post).
Website | Address: Hästtorget 3, 312 30 Laholm

One of the many beautiful beaches in Laholm, Skummeslövsstrand was the perfect place to enjoy the sunset after a long day of driving around. This bridge is new and you can’t really see here how long it is in this photo. If you’re into winter bathing this bridge will make things so much easier for you 😉

Ann-Tikt & Sånt
Definitely a favorite shop of mine, I could walk around here for hours! So many things to look at – antiques, plants and home decor in the most lovely setting. I think you can see why I love this place so much!
Instagram | Address: Mellby 504, 312 96 Laholm

Translated into English, Majsboden means ‘The corn shed’. This place is so cute, and the corn is so good! Fresh corn on the cob is one of my favorite things to eat, with butter and salt. Needless to say, I ate corn for about a week after this visit. Definitely not complaining!
Facebook| Address: Tjärby 9, 312 91 Laholm

Tulipa Blomsterverkstad
I was so excited when I saw this cozy shop located in Knäred, turns out, this is like two shops in one! There was one more shop hidden behind the first shop, full with antiques! Plants, vintage furniture, antiques… all my favorite things! I bought an old bread board here, the one you see in my previous post. Oh, and I got the old spoons there too!
Instagram| Address: Otterdalsvägen 5, 312 51 Knäred

Kvarnfallet and Fika from Conditori Cecil
We went to buy some fika at Conditori Cecil, which is a pastry shop with typical Swedish pastries, before heading to Kvarnfallet. I fell in love with Kvarnfallet and its’ surroundings! You can come here for a fika, for a hike in the forest, for a dip in the water or to simply admire the view. Either way, I highly recommend this beautiful place!
Kvarnfallet: Read more about Kvarnfallet here| Address: Krokåvägen 6, 312 52 Knäred
Conditori Cecil: Instagram |Address: Stortorget 10, 312 30 Laholm

Örjanssons Blommor
A pick-your-own farm where you can pick sunflowers in the field and tomatoes from greenhouses PACKED with huge tomato plants. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many tomato plants in one place! I suspect it’s very popular because when we got there, they only had green tomatoes left. We need to get there earlier next time!
Facebook | Address: Kövlingevägen 5, 312 50 Vallberga

Skogaby Lantbruk
A newly opened farm shop with vegetables and flowers. I got a bunch of veggies from here, and the tomatoes were amazing, and they also grow sweet potato which is quite rare here. So nice to be able to buy locally grown sweet potatoes! I also got one of the pumpkins which is waiting to be cooked, or most likely baked with! During this season, you can bring your apples to them and they’ll turn them into apple juice!
Facebook | Address: Vessinge Bergstorp, 312 92 Laholm

How to get there: It’s not super easy to find but it’ll be worth it!
Start in Hasslöv and drive towards Vindrarp. Drive past Lugnarohögen, and continue on that road for a few minutes until you see a sign on your right saying ‘Rollstorp’. I think the sign is yellow and red and it looks like a private road but it isn’t. Take a right here and drive past some houses, up the hill through the forest.
After a little while, you’ll pass a house on your right that says ‘Sjömansvila’. The landscape will open up and right when the forest starts again there is an old road barrier (I have no idea if that’s what they’re called! ‘Vägbom’ in Swedish) on your right side. Stop here and walk into the forest. After about 50-100m the path will divide itself into two, take the left path and continue on this path. After about 500 m you’ll find the waterfall!

Skottorps Slott
Absolutely stunning castle located on beautiful, open fields. Sadly, it is private owned these days so you can’t go inside anymore but there is a cheese shop right next to it, Skottorps mejeri (where you can get the yummy cheese I mentioned before, amongst other things) so it’s definitely worth a visit for the views and the cheese! We got there when the cheese shop was closed, but I’ll definitely go back soon!
Read more about Skottorp’s castle | Address: Skottorps Slott, 312 96 Laholm

Drömmar Inne & Ute
A lifestyle shop in theeee most beautiful setting in the countryside, in what I’m guessing was once a stable. You can find home decor, jewelry, clothing, plants, coffee, jams and other edible things in this lovely shop.
Instagram | Address: Rombergs väg 61, 312 96 Laholm

Blomsterdesign Trädgård
We found this shop by accident, when we were on our way home from Drömmar Inne & Ute. Absolutely lovely shop for all you plant and home decor needs!
Instagram | Address: Rombergs väg 62, 312 96 Laholm

Wow. I love your photos! And I had no idea Laholm had so many lovely places. I need to visit.
Thank you!! It does have so many lovely places, you definitely should visit!
Wow these photos are incredibly beautiful, Linda! Every single one of them. This guide makes me not only want to visit but makes me daydream about living there! Such beautiful place and you captured it and presented it perfectly. ❤️
Thank you SO much Lili! I’m so so happy you liked them.. I hope you can visit me in Sweden one day! <3 <3
Wow! Turned out magic, as always Linda. You are amazing ❤️
Thank you Emelie! <3 <3
Herregud vad mycket fint och spännande. Ett besök till Laholm står på min önskelista nu. Fantastiskt fint fotat och dokumenterat?
Åh, vad glad jag blir! Tack snälla Eva <3
Tusen tack för denna guide, Linda! Magiska bilder!!! Det finns så många dolda pärlor i vårt vackra land. Jag får intrycket att ni tog bilen överallt för lättare och snabbare framkomlighet, men hur lång tid skulle du säga att man behöver för att besöka alla ställena? Räcker det med en helg eller behöver man fler dagar på sig?
Taack snälla <3 Ja, det fick bli bilen då flera av ställa inte ligger supernära varandra (men ändå liksom inom 15-20 minuter med bil!). Är man van cyklist så funkar säkerligen det dock, hehe. Jag skulle vilja säga att en helg räcker, det tog ju lite extra tid för mig eftersom allt skulle fotograferas och så, och så beror det på hur länge man vill stanna på varje ställe såklart! Så glad att du gillar min guide!
Så mycket vackert ni plockat fram och fångat! Superfint sätt att visa Laholm. Även för den ”hemmablinde” ?
Tack snälla, Tilda! Blir så himla glad! Man blir lätt hemmablind 🙂
Wow Laholm looks lovely. Has BLÅBÄRSSNÅR, ÄPPELSKRUTT OCH RABARBERSKUGGA or RULLRÅN OCH TANKEBRUS – EN BAKBOK FÖR LIVET OCH DÖDEN been translated to English yet?? I’m desperate to buy one of them.
Thank you so much <3 They haven't been translated into English yet unfortunately! I hope they will be one day!
Hi Linda, you seriously need to get a tv show. I think the world would benefit from your baking. I wish you would do more youtube videos (because I love watching them) with you instructing while you bake. This was such a beautiful post.
P.S. I have a huge brick of marzipan, what should I do with it from your blog? 🙂 thanks
That’s so kind of you, thank you for that! <3 Hmmm, marzipan... maybe a princess cake? 🙂
Varmt välkommen till Laholm! Skulle du slå ner bopålarna här så gör du något smart. Jag har bott här med min familj i 1 år och njuter helt av närmiljön! Hojta om du gör slag i saken så har du en kreativ kompis i stan @jksahlstrom
Tack snälla! Vad kul att höra, vi kollar vidare och hoppas att något dyker upp snart!
Very high-quality photos. I can even smell it…
Thanks so much! 🙂
Such a beautiful place wow 🙂 I would like one day to visit it. Have a nice evening ^^
It is so beautiful!! I hope you can visit one day! Thank you and I wish you a great evening too 🙂
This had the power to transport me. Your photography and capturing of detail are exquisite!
That makes me so happy to hear, Daniela! Thank you so much ?
Hej Linda!
Roligt att du tycker så mycket om vår lilla stad. 🙂
Själv har jag bott här med min kära hustru nästan hela livet. Anna, min fru, är barnfödd här.
Jag har jobbat med en hemsida om Laholm, lovelaholm.se i mer än sex år nu och mycket av det vackra du har lagt upp finner man ju därinne också. Fast inte lika vackra bilder som dina då.. 🙂 Jag driver även ListitSweden.se med flera andra sajter också.
Skulle ju vara trevligt om du flyttar hit en dag!
Take Care
Hej Carl! Tack för en fin kommentar! Det är verkligen så fint i Laholm, håller tummarna att det dyker upp ett hus för oss snart.. Ha det fint!