Maybe you haven’t noticed I have a new blog?! Well I do! Over here.
It’s written in Swedish though but you can still look at the pretty pictures if you’d like. Anyway, you can find me there more often than here. I will be blogging there pretty much everyday actually! So there are definitely going to be some changes around here, but don’t worry, Call me cupcake is still very much alive and well. From now on all recipes will be in English only. So now you know.
I adapted this recipe from the blog Top with cinnamon. Izy who runs that blog is 16 years old. SIXTEEN, people! It’s almost illegal to be that talented when you’re that young.
Anyway, these cookies are amazing. Christian took one bite and burst out “These are the best cookies EVER!”.
Det borde vara olagligt att vara din ålder och så himla duktig också 😉
Dessa kakor ser helt OTROLIGT goda ut! Choklad och dulce de leche, kan ju inte bli annat än fantastiskt 😀
Haha, naww, vad gullig du är! Fast jag är åtminstone typ 12 år äldre 🙂
Oh my god, they look so tasty! You're making me hungry! 🙂 xx
Thank you! 🙂
Go eat some cookies!
oh my – i can't even decide on what is lovlier – the cookies themselves or your pictures of them 😀
simply wonderful, thanks a lot for sharing! 🙂 have a nice sunday evening and greetings from vienna!
Thank you! That is the best compliment 🙂
Have a nice Sunday Salma!
Yummy Linda AMAZING post and cookies <3 baci Marcello
Thank you Marcello! <3
AlltsÃ¥, dina bilder…
Kakorna ser fantastiskt goda ut, men bilderna!!! 🙂
Men oj så gott det ser ut! Och snyggt fotograferat!
kram /iris
These are incredibly beautiful.
Linda! Your new blog is simply amazing (even if there weren't doubts about it 😉 ), I love it 🙂 and I didn't know it yet. Thank you for the information 😉
These cookies are incredible (I adore the version with letters, brilliant!).
I know Izy's blog, she is so cute 🙂 And I really appreciate her since she's quite my peer (I'm 18 ;)).
If you want, I wait for you on my blog, if you want to look at it and tell me your opinion about it:)
I would be so happy, it would be a big honour for me 🙂
thank you very much:)
Cookies with dulce de leche: a marriage made in heaven. What possibly could you want more? Pure bliss!
Hi! I'm from Argentina and I've been following your blog for a couple of months now, I just can't believe that you used our dulce de leche in one of your recipes , I love it!!!! What we usually do when we use dulce de leche is to mix the same amount of it with whipped cream, it’s less sweet but exquisite!
Ojojoj! De ser ju alldeles alldeles underbara ut. MÃ¥ste genast ta mig tid att provbaka!!!
Woooooaaahhh! Thank you Linda!! I have been in love with your blog for basically forever, so I'm so flattered that you made one of my recipes 🙂 Gorgeous photos, as always!
These are so gorgeous! I love the new page too (even though I don't speak Swedish)!
These look beautiful.
I'll keep googling chocolate chip cookies and call me cupcake if you keep making gems like this! Inspiring styling as always. Big fan Linda!
These look amazing! And that Dulce de Leche – OMG!
can you write the recipe in swedish measurements?
Where do I find the recipe for the Dulce de Leche? Thanks for a great blog!
hej! hittade nyss din blogg och dina recept och ser fantastiska ut! jag har dock problem med att läsa av dom på engelska, alltså omvandla G till dl/L osv, kan du förklara dom tro?
ååh så gott!!
de ser HELT fantastiska ut
I love Izy's work. Seriously so talented at such an early age.
And love the pictures on your other blog as well.
Wow, these cookies look so yummy! Want to try them!
Åh, tror du dessa kan göra med jordnötssmör (utan tillsatt socker och salt) med? Kan tänka mig att det hade varit fantastiskt!
OMG!! this is fantastic!!
Love your food photos…and the food of course 🙂
OMG VILL HA!!!! 😀 Är helt kär i din blogg! <3
Hej,kommer den här recept på svenska!
undra om det här är en en recept på frosting där inta är flytande
tycker ofta det går fel,när jag gör frosting.Vilken recept vill du sege bara bliver bra varje gång!Hoppas du har till att svara,då jag gärna vill göra den till gäster på lördag:)))
-3 dl grädde
-250 gram mascarponeost
-ca 1 dl florsocker
1. Vispa grädden i en skål. Rör ihop mascarponeost och florsocker till en jämn smet i en annan skål.
2. Blanda grädden och mascarponeosten. Om frostingen känns lös, vispa lite extra med elvisp tills den känns lagom fast.
3. Spritsa eller bred frostingen över muffinsen och pudra lite kakao över, eller hacka lite choklad och strö över.
I just made these and I just have to let you know they're my new favorite cookie! Thank you so much for posting this recipe – they were the perfect Valentine's Day treat! I just wrote about them on my blog!
Magnifique blog.
Bonjour de France
Fina bilder du tar! Jätte härlig receptbok också!
I love Izy's blog. Didn't she turn 17 few days ago?
Anyhow, these cookies are amazing! I love chocolate and dulce de leche and would go crazy over a stack of these.
Stunning photos as usual Linda
OMG I'm totally dying over these cookies right now! I'm so doing them next week.
Mikey F.
Dear Linda, thank you for this lovely recipe I made these cookies for the first time one month ago as a treat for my father who was visiting me as I am currently living abroad. Since then I have made them roughly once a week instead of buying any treats during my weekly shop they are so quick to make and taste incredible. Thank you!
Jag rynkar ögonbrynen..
Det där ser allt för gott ut! Och jag fullkomligt Älskar bilden med fötterna och polaroid!!
Good Woman!!
Oh. My. God. It looks very tasty! Wanna cook that)
the pictures are great !! the cookies more… blessing see tour recipes soon simmy
Det här receptet är nÃ¥gonting som jag mÃ¥ste prova… Jag älkar dulce de leche!!! Och att ha det inne i kakorna… wow!
Ahhh detta MÅSTE jag prova! Men hur har du gjort kolasåsen?
Wow i love your recipies! They are simply jusst AMAZING!
I was wondering if you could make like a red velvet brownie or something? – I have tol all of my friends about yoo, so you are very popular in my naborhood!
– Love from here
How many cookies does this recipe make?