Förra helgen hade jag helt plötsligt fyra stora mogna mangofrukter (för det är väl så man säger i plural?) hemma. Jag älskar mango, men vet aldrig riktigt vad jag ska göra med dem. Oftast äter jag dem precis som de är, men att äta fyra mangofrukter känns inte helt ok. Så jag åt två (inte på samma gång) och bestämde mig för att göra glass av de andra två.
Eftersom jag är väldigt svag för glass funderar jag faktiskt på att skaffa en glassmaskin. Någon som har bra tips? Vilken är bäst?
3 stora äggulor
1 1/2 dl / 120 gram socker
3,5 dl grädde
2 dl mjölk
1/2 tsk vaniljpulver
350 gram mangopuré (ungefär 2 färska mangofrukter)
Vispa äggulor och socker vitt och fluffigt. Häll grädde, mjölk och vanilj i en kastrull. Värm försiktigt tills blandningen når kokpunkten. Häll en skvätt över äggulorna och rör för att värma blandningen något. Häll över resterande gräddblandning. Rör om och häll tillbaka i kastrullen. Värm tills smeten tjocknat något. Ta bort kastrullen från värmen och låt svalna. Häll upp smeten i en ren skål, blanda i mangopuré, täck med plastfolie och ställ in i kylen tills smeten är kall.
Ta ut glassen ur kylen och rör ordentligt. Har du ingen glassmaskin, ställ in skålen i frysen och rör ungefär var 20:e minut tills glassen stelnar.
Ta ut glassen i rumstemperatur en stund före servering.
In English:
Last weekend I found myself having four large, ripe mangoes at home. I love mangoes, but I’m never really sure what to do with them. I usually end up eating them the way they are, which is fine, but eating four mangoes just like that is out of the question. So I ate two (not at once), and decided to use the other two to make icecream.
By the way, I’m seriously considering buying an icecream maker. Does anyone know which one to get?
Tårtan says
Så gott!!
linda says
Tack 🙂
rachel bee says
love your work. a true talent.
linda says
Aww, thanks Rachel!
lapetitecuisine says
Beautiful as always! Love your styling!
linda says
Thank you so much Susanne!
Britt says
Finfint! Ser jättegott ut!
linda says
Tack Britt!
Charlotte says
delicious! I love mango!
linda says
Thank you Charlotte!
Blossom Books says
I have the Cuisinart 2L in stainless steel finish. Beautiful and fabulous. Quite loud while it's churning, but I think they might all be. It only goes for 20-25 mins so it doesn't bother me much. I did some research online before I bought it and I didn't come across any negatives. Funnily enough, I just used it today for vanilla ice cream! Mine tastes very slightly eggy, so I'll try your recipe next time. Your proportions are a little different. x
linda says
Thanks for the advice! That's actually the one I was looking at! I hate it when icecream tastes eggy.. this recipe will not let you down I hope 🙂
mireia badia says
I always want to make all of your recipes!!! This looks delicious!
Andrea says
I live in a Studio so I needed one that is compact. This one worked out well
esters hörna says
åh så gott det lät!
lidia says
i can't wait for ice cream weather! this looks fabulous.
FleaingFrance & French Shopping Tours says
I am so happy that you posted this….mango is one of my favorites and I can not wait to try this!
Everything that you photograph looks amazing!!!!!
Belta says
Your photos are really beautiful.
I'm enjoying looking at your blog.
Natashia says
I've got the 2L Cusiniart one as well, and I can agree that's it's loud. But it's only on for 20 or so minutes so no biggie..
Erica says
Lovely! I love the peachy hue. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Lissa (Bellenza) says
Your photography makes every post such a visual (aside from a flavorful) delight!
Maike says
I love your photography! Everything look so great and delicious, yummi ! 🙂
winter says
Mango ice cream! Perfect for my little one. Something more healthy for her!
Sara says
Hej! Jag tycker att din blogg är jätterolig att läsa, därför har jag skrivit det på min blogg! Kika gärna in på min blogg nån gång!
BoopCook says
excellent recipe =)
Phuoc'n Delicious says
Oooo I love mangoes too but have never thought of what to make with them either, I always eat them whole before I can decide on what to make. But this looks great! Must make a mental note to make it next time. I've used the Cusinart 1.5L ice cream machine and it works a treat. I hope that helps!
Jody and Stan says
Looks delicious! Great Photos.
Anonymous says
Love my Cuisinart! Some good advice that I found by reading user reviews on Amazon is that if you get the one without a plug/cover on top be sure to cover the hole on top with a kitchen towel. If you don't you may be very disappointed with the loose consistency, by using the towel you should get a good soft serve that you can eat right away or soon after with minimal freezing. Enjoy!!
Beth (Anonym above) says
And I have found that it helps to stop the machine half way through and scrape down the sides.
CrazyMoose says
Jag tycker att försöka det på min födelsedag i maj. :-)Gillar fotoer också förstås! Tack så mycket!
Evita@Women's Boots And Shoes says
Looks delicious.Yummy.Love your photos.
Bazinga says
Can I make this without using eggs? If yes, tell me how 🙂
kiwiberries says
jag är kär i din blogg! kommer absolut komma hit ofta!
Anonymous says
I adore your blog..Awesome recipe photos..
Marie - Gettergod Gelato says
Har precis hittat hit och förstår inte varför jag inte gjort det tidigare!?! Fantastiskt vackra bilder och din blogg inspirerar mig verkligen även om min grej är glass på getmjölk! 🙂 Min maskin är en Musso 4080, en med kompressor som jag är jättenöjd med även om den kostade en slant. Hade en med frysblock tidigare men jag vill göra MASSOR av glass, flera efter varandra och då är det bara kompressor som gäller. Kommer absolut att kika in här ofta nu när jag hittat dig. 🙂
Tomingo says
This looks so delish. thanks for sharing
mingz eclectic creations
samster says
Oh, I can't wait to try this! I linked to your post here, hope that's okay:
Gexton says
Thanks for sharing such a yummy post regarding mangoes. Unfortunately many people in the
Pakistan do not afford to have them.
Mango exporter pakistan
Mango producer in Pakistan
Adelle says
I have the delonghi gelato maker. Not to loud 🙂 works great
payday now says
This blog is truly extraordinary in all aspects.
Mango producers in Pakistan
Zubair Gexton says
Thank you so much Love your blog..
Mango exporter in Pakistan
Anonymous says
I am not sure if you would reply to this but you will make me so happy if you do. I don't have ice cream machine. I am so glad in this recipe we can make it without it. I really want try this recipe . which cream did you use? Can you give me the name please. The only ones I know is heavy whipping cream or whipping cream and half and half. Which did you use? Can we use vanila extract for powder. Please do reply and let me know.
Anonymous says
Please reply
Albert einstien says
Hi I was searching for the blogs for many times, now I have reached at the right place.
snow ice machine
Ridhima says
beautiful Linda!
linda says