Semla (plural – semlor)) is probably one of the most typical Swedish pastries (and princess cake of course) I can think of.
It’s made out of a wheat flour bun seasoned with cardamom, filled with almond paste and whipped cream. Traditionally they’re eaten on “Fat Tuesday” (the last day before the lenten fast) but nowadays you can find them in pretty much any café or bakery in Sweden from new years until easter. I can honestly say I don’t know much about their history, but I do know that they’re delicious!
Some people like to eat them from a bowl of hot milk – this is called “hetvägg” (“hot wall”, I know, weird!) but I prefer eating them the way they are.
I also made som untraditional ones – chocolate with Nutella filling. I prefer the regular ones though, but if you feel like making chocolate semlor, just replace 4 tbsp of the flour with cocoa powder and add some cocoa powder to the whipped cream.
The video below shows how I make them!
Click image below to view recipe!
Sonia Monagheddu says
Sini says
Chocolate semlor, or pulla, as we call them here in Finland. Never even thought about that! Fat Tuesday is one of my most favorite days of the year. Sledging, pea soup, semlor and hot chocolate = a perfect Fat Tuesday.
Mela e Cannella says
amazing video and amzing buns so sweet and yummy <3 great work linda <3
Willow says
Gorgeous! I'm so in love with your dark-toned photography. The Semlor are incredible, too, of course!
Jess says
Vilket sammaträffande, mina semlebullar står just nu på jäsning och receptet jag använde ser ut att likna det du har. 🙂
latortuguitablanca says
One more time, i love it!!!
Noemi says
Dear Linda,
I sign it this recipe! I love your blog <3 It's so amazing !!
Katrine Anita says
For noen flotte bilder! Vet ikke om jeg har smakt dette, men det ser godt ut. Synes de ligner litt på fastelavensboller, ikke usannsynlig at det er omtrent det samme. Klem
madeleine says
du är min idol, linda lomelino!
Julia says
Amazing photos, as always!
B. says
This looks really good!
Malin - Stjärnflocka says
Underbara Bilder! Nu måste jag baka snart… 🙂
Kram Malin
La Cucina Spontanea says
Beautiful video!!This semlor look gorgeous, especially the traditional one with whipped cream and almond paste. I sign the recipe!
Jade Sheldon says
They are just such cute pastries!! Beautiful video as ever…
elsa wennström says
Jag är en 15 årig tjej som alltid älskat semlor mer än allt annat på året, årligen längtat efter det flera månader i förväg! Jag satt dock och räknade idag, och kom fram till att dessa bakelser innehåller omkring 500 kalorier. Där försvann alla glädje och övergick till ångest. Jag som har ångest över att äta en apelsin på 140 kcal på en dag kommer aldrig fixa att äta en semla i år. Gör mig otroligt ledsen, att ens egna tankar kan driva en så långt. Älskar verkligen din blogg, men detta inlägg blev riktigt jobbigt…
linda says
Men åh, Elsa! Det är ju inte alls roligt om du känner så. Jag tycker att du borde söka hjälp för det, så att du kan prata med någon.
Stor kram, Linda
Iris says
Jo men såhär vackra semlor har jag då aldrig sett! Det finns till och med en chans att de inspirerat mig att baka bara för att försöka få till så snygga bilder med florsocker överallt (att baka är då inte min grej egentligen.. alls..).
kram /iris
Bridget says
Ah, semlor, my favorite! So delicious.
Naomi says
Mmm they look fantastic!
The Occasional Indulgence
Ayumi says
Wow these look amazing!! always love your foodphotografy! too bad i can't see the video right now i don't know why… Still these look amazing! are they like cream puffs? they kinda look alike which is good because i love them! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Fra Pinki says
I think I've eaten them at Ikea, is it possible? However, I liked them soooo much!!
Iwona says
Very interesting post:)
La Hoja de Albahaca MJ says
Amazing! They look great!
Martina says
This is what I thought seeing this post.
It's really fantastic, Linda!
Breathtaking photos and wonderful video.
bowsbybelen says
They look deliciouuus!! 🙂
Tartlet Sweets says
jacqueline says
Dearest sweet Linda, so happy to have found your beautiful site and all your amazing creations! Very inspiring!! I look forward to visit you more. have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!
Gizem says
I love your work! It has been five years I am living in Sweden, and last two years I became addicted to Semla.. I look forward to have semla time every year. I am happy to discover this new sort with nutella. Thanks for your inspiration..
vendela96 says
Du är ju bara för fantastisk på att få en att vilja äta din mat! Kan du inte göra ett "backstage" inlägg där vi får reda på hur du tänker när du fotar och filmar till bloggen? 😀
Sara Johansson says
Hej Linda.
Undrar om det är OK för dig att jag länkar till din blogg från min?
Beundrar verkligen dig och skulle vilja visa för mina läsare (vänner) att du finns.
MikeVFMK says
So pretty. All brilliant shots, but love the one sprinkling icing sugar the most. Always inspiring stuff.
BoopCook says
yum yum !!
Gemma says
I have no words…amazingly beautiful and yummy!!! 🙂 As always the pictures speak for themselves, one of the best bakery blogs ever! <3
baker in disguise says
I dont know how it took me so long to find your site.. but am spellbound.. what a beautiful site… have just been jumping from one post to another… you are so talented!!
Tibs says
This is usually February's delicacy in Finland!
Beautiful, delicious pictures!
Whitney @ The Newlywed Chefs says
Linda I am amazed by your photography skills and simply perfect recipes. Yum!
Sue says
They're excellent! So tiny and gentle! And those photos.. You're amazing! 🙂
Koci says
Those look delicious! And your photos are so incredible!
Fiocchi di neve e foglie di tè says
Linda, your blog is fantastic! I really love it, the recipes are incredible and I'm going to steal lots of this delights!:)
Your name is italian, are u?
See you soon!
P.S. There aren't words to describe the photos!
Everywhere I go says
Tack for this glorious post!
Tanja says
Åh, så fort det är semmeltider längtar man tillbaka till Sverige. Här i Norge lagar dom fastlavnsboller, som dom kallar semlor här, men med hallonsylt istället för mandelröra… Skandal! Fantastiska bilder!
Lina, brev från Amerika says
Fanstastiska bildet. Följde ditt recept när jag bakade igår och det blev superlyckat! Tack
linda says
Härligt att höra! 😀
Rowaidaa says
Love Love Love looks delicious love the music
Anonymous says
Well … Thanks ! Looking at those pictures took me back to … 1991 and made great memories of my school exchange with a high school in Uppsala pop back. The family I stayed at made me taste so many swedish delies, they were so nice.
I think now I can even remember the taste and texture of those lovely little "choux". And I had forgotten ever tasting them… I'll have my kids try it soon – just after the cinnamon rolls.
Thanks so much again for the "madeleine de Proust" effect.
Rosie says
Love the styling of these photographs. The contrast between light and dark is incredible. x
Tamara Reichmuth says
This looks delicious, i will make this in the afternoon 🙂
Cheers Tamara
Couisine Marocaine says
Bonjour,je viens de parcourir votre blog,j'ai beaucoup aimé….Je suis tombée sur votre blog il y a quelques mois (en cherchant, justement, la "vraie" recette Et tous ces plats ,vous en avez des recettes !!!!!!! bonne journée la recette que j'ai ne me satisfait pas ,je suis très preneuse !! merci par avance
j'ais déjà traité un site comme ca
recette creme anglaise
recette patisserie
recette quiche lorraine
recette couscous
Couscous recipe
Recette Thermomix
Recette cookies
Recette crepe
gateau au yaourt
Recette moelleux au chocolat
Dessert rapide
Recette tiramisu
Recette paella
Recette punch
Recette pancakes
Recette crumble
Je viens de tester ta recette, elle est parfaite. Je vais bientôt la publier sur mon blog !! 🙂 Merci pour cette super recette.