Hope all of you have had a great start to the new year! I know I have. I’ve set up some goals for myself (no actual resolutions as “resolution” means you must do something) to strive for this year. Of course, some career goals but mostly personal goals such as to have more fun, travel more and to stop worrying about everything.
I’m not sure if I’ve told you, but about six months ago I quit my day-job to do this full time (writing books, photographing, blogging etc.). It was a great decision and I don’t regret for a second but sometimes I miss having workmates so much. That part has been very hard for me. Some days I don’t speak to anyone for ten hours! Maybe I should get a cat. I love cats.
Anyway, I think most people start off the year eating fairly healthy. I try to eat fairly healthy too, but I also made churros.
I ate churros for the very first time last year. I think it was in August, so about five months ago. I have no idea why I haven’t tried them before. I never ever thought they would be so easy to make! The batter for the churros takes a few minutes to whip up. The tricky part is getting them the shape you want, if that actually matters to you. I like them a little bit curly.
I served them with a chocolate dipping sauce which is delicious, don’t get me wrong, but I’d like to serve them with say… soft serve vanilla ice cream. Hot churros with light and fluffy soft serve ice cream. Now that would be something.
Churros with chocolate dip
Makes 10 churros
50 g butter
150 ml water
1/2 tbsp granulated sugar
a pinch of salt
60 g (100 ml) all purpose flour
1 medium egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Cinnamon sugar
75 g granulated sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
corn or canola oil to fry (amount depends on the size of your pan, but oil should be at least 5 cm (2 inches) deep
Chocolate dip
100 g dark chocolate (70%), finely chopped
100 ml heavy cream
1 tbsp butter
1. Put butter, water, sugar and salt in a sauce pan. Let come to a boil, then add the flour stirring well until a dough forms. Remove sauce pan from heat and keep working the dough until smooth and shiny. Let cool slightly, then add the egg and the vanilla, stirring until smooth.
2. Transfer dough to a piping bag fitted with a medium sized star tip (such as Wilton 1M).
3. Combine sugar and cinnamon on a plate or a baking dish. Put paper towels on a platter or a wire rack to soak up excess fat.
4. Heat oil to about 185°C/365F in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan with high sides. Pipe dough (about 10-15 cm long) directly into the hot oil (be careful with you hands!). Fry, turning often, about two minutes or until golden brown.
5. Transfer to paper towels to drain and cool slightly. Roll in cinnamon sugar until evenly coated. Try to eat the churros as soon as possible!
Chocolate sauce
1. Put the chopped chocolate in a deep bowl.
2. Heat cream and butter in a sauce pan, remove just before it comes to a boil. Pour cream mixture over chocolate, let stand 20 seconds, then stir until smooth.
thecitygourmand says
The squiggly shapes look adorable, not to mention delicious!
Jennifer @ Delicious Everyday says
Gorgeous! Gorgeous. What beautiful and mouthwatering looking churros. And congratulations on taking the step to blogging and writing full time. I know what you mean about missing having workmates to talk to. Sometimes it's difficult, but then nothing beats the flexibility of working for yourself. đ
Ditte Ingemann says
Hvor ser de flotte ud – jeg smagte churros for fĂžrste gang i Malaga for 2 Ă„r siden, og mĂ„ske skal jeg prĂžve at lave dem selv. Ligesom dig blev jeg ogsĂ„ selvstĂŠndig for ca. 6 mĂ„neder siden og lever nu ogsĂ„ af blogging, foodstyling, fotografering osv, men savner rigtig meget at have kollegaer đ GlĂŠdelig 2014!
Lily @ Life, Love, and Cupcakes says
I've never made churros and I have no idea why because they're wonderful! Love that they're a little bit curly, it definitely gives them character đ
XTrail DayTripper says
How weird you did a post on churros today, it was my sons birthday today and all he wanted to do was go out for churros, he asked if i could make them sometime, thanks to you now i can. I love your blog, i gave jars of brownies as gifts last year, they are the best brownies ever. Xx from australia.
Dixya says
i love churros but hardly make it. hope 2014 will be an awesome year for you.
Amy Lau says
I love churros! Must make these!!!
`Really loving your photography too ;]
Medha says
Gorgeous photography! I never made churros, but now I have to make it, they look really delicious and tempting! Love your blog!
Kristin // The Chocolate Box says
Nu pĂ„minde du mig om att jag inte gjort churros pĂ„ evigheter..! MĂ„ste Ă„tgĂ€rdas snarast đ
Dominique Dyson says
This looks delicious! Can't wait to try this recipe out one of these days.
Sloganmaker says
Gorgeous and they look very delicious! Yum Yum Yum!
Jenny B says
Forget about New Year's diets with this recipe! These churros looks amazing!
Lili Basic Capaccetti says
Beautiful photography as always and I have to try this recipe soon, they look amazing! Well done for making the decision to do this full time, you are so talented and I see great things coming your way! Since I believe there is nothing better but to do what you love to do, I am in the similar place in my life now and at age of 33 I'm changing my profession, my work, my life and making the jump to my passion – food photography! đ
Lina says
Var glad att du slipper arbetskamrater och annat löst folk! MÀnniskor Àr ju jordens mest pÄfrestande art. Utöver mat och tak över huvudet har mÀnniskor lagt till sig med en mÀngd olika konstgjorda behov som exempelvis det konstanta kravet pÄ bekrÀftelse (det finns ingen Ànde). För att inte tala om lusten att socialisera och prata hela tiden. Finns ingen slut pÄ det hela. Visst, kan jag tycka att mÀnniskor kan vara underhÄllande. Men det Àr i vÀldigt smÄ doser. Efter nÄgon timme Àr jag alldeles utmattad och det tar mÄnga timmar att ÄterhÀmta sig frÄn ett kort möte med en mÀnniska.
SÄ skaffa en katt. Förutom att dom Àr söta och har mjuk pÀls sÄ Àr dom enkla att förstÄ sig pÄ. Mat, lite lek, ren kattlÄda och lite gos sedan Àr dom nöjda. Av en katt fÄr du tusenfalt tillbaka i form av fin underhÄllning. Kvaliteten pÄ den underhÄllningen kan aldrig en mÀnniska konkurrera med.
Det enda som Àr bÀttre med mÀnniskor Àr att dom inte hÄrar ner lika mycket som katter. NÀr man hÄller pÄ med bakverk kan katthÄr bli ett litet irritationsmoment. Men Ä andra sidan föredrar jag att ett katthÄr bakverket framför ett lÄngt Àckligt mÀnniskohÄr. SÄ hÄll dig borta frÄn mÀnniskor.;)
Beauty Follower says
Super yummy!
Happy New Year đ
Marissa @ In My Yellow Cardigan says
I just pinned this recipe like MY LIFE depended on it! These look AMAZING. I came across your site from Foodie Crush and am so happy I did! Can't wait to try making these!
Little Miss Lifestyle says
These look INCREDIBLE! xxx
Queen of Kammebornia says
Wow! Alldeles underbara! Och dina bilder Ă€r verkligen fantastiska đ Kram!
Nicole (Bellenza Party Suite) says
The photos look incredible. This post made my love for churros a million times stronger. Thanks for the recipe as well! You rock!
lostincupcakes says
The recipe is perfect, I love the taste of churros and these look incredible. I love your photos too, you are an inspiration for us (we are three sisters in our blog :D)
Emma says
Ă h! Ălskar churros, dessa mĂ„ste provas. SĂ„ himla fina bilder! Men. Det gĂ„r inte att pinna pĂ„ Pinterest. Varför inte?
Mary Jane says
Great blog here and such inspiring! Add,yourself as my reader if you like, i start follow ur posts more often đ Have a great year đ
Melissa @ Treats With a Twist says
I just found your blog! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!
Anonymous says
I found it funny that you suggest corn or canola oil to fry such a traditional Spanish sweet. If olive oil (the milder varieties of olives give milder tasting oils) is too strong for you, sunflower oil would do. At least that's closest to what you can find in Spain. They look nice but a bit too thick to be churros, but it might be the perspective. The thicker version are called "porras".
Vicky says
Hola! I agree, I would fry them in olive oil, like here in Spain, or at least in sunflower oil, as you say.
In Southern Spain these are churros, they are called 'porras' in Madrid, and here we call 'churros madrileños' the thin ones that look like a tear.
I also find them very dark, maybe it's the cinammon.
Rachel Page says
Just found your blog. I had churros in Spain and loved them. Gorgeous photography!
Mary says
Hi Linda! First of all congratulations, I love your recipes! I have a question…in this recipe you need 60gr or 100gr of flour? Because I think its the same gr and ml…I used 100gr and they were delicious! Thanks
linda says
Hi Mary! Thank you soo much for your kind comment!! You need 60 grams of flour which is 100 ml đ Glad they turned out delicious anyway!
Mary says
Thank you so much. Next time I will try them with 60gr ? I imagine they will be even better. Your pictures are also incredibles!!