Jag tackar alla underbara läsare för den fantastiska responsen på tävlingen! Jag är helt imponerad av er, och av alla fina och snälla kommentarer! Passa på att vara med medans det finns fortfarande tid kvar.
Finns det något mer underbart än en hög, saftig tårtbit? Inte enligt mig iallafall!
Det här är ungefär den godaste chokladtårtan jag någonsin smakat. Tårtbottnen är riktigt saftig, och kommer helt klart bli mitt nya standardrecept på chokladbotten. Receptet är verkligen superenkelt, det är i princip bara att vispa ihop alla ingredienser!
Designen är inspirerad av Sweetapolita, min favorit-tårtblogg!
Klicka på bilderna för att göra dem större!
Scroll down for recipe in English!
In English:
This is probably the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted. The cake came out incredibly moist and delicious! The best thing about it is that the recipe is so simple.
I have to give credit for the design of this cake to Sweetapolita, my favorite cake blog!
Chocolate cake
Makes three 20 cm or four 15 cm layers
4 1/4 dl (255 g) all purpose flour
4 3/4 dl (425 g) granulated sugar
1 1/4 dl (50 g) cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
2 1/2 dl (1 cup) strong coffee
2 1/2 dl (1 cup) buttermilk
1 1/4 dl (1/2 cup) vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 175°C (350 F). Butter and flour three 20 cm (8 inch) or four 15 cm (6 inch) pans. In a large mixing bowl, sift dry ingredients. Add remaning ingredients to bowl with the dry ingredients and mix for a few minutes. Pour the batter into pans and bake for about 30-35 minutes, rotating pans after 20 minutes. Let the pans cool for 15 minutes before inverting them onto a cooling rack. If you want to split your layers in half, put them in the freezer for 30 minutes before splitting.
Chocolate fudge frosting
300 grams butter at room temperature
5 dl (300 g / 2 cups)powdered sugar
1 dl (40 g) cocoa powder
200 grams dark chocolate, chips or finely chopped
1 dl (1/3 cup + 1 1/2 tbsp) heavy whipping cream
1 vanilla bean
Melt the chocolate in a heat proof bowl over a double boiler or in a microwave. Put aside and let cool to room temperature. Beat the butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy. Add cocoa powder and beat until combined. Add the melted and beat for another minute. Split the vanilla bean in half, scrape out the seeds and mix them with the cream (I like to do this because I think it brings out the vanilla flavor). Add the cream and beat until smooth.
that looks absolutely divine!!
one question though.. what is 1 dl in grams or litres?
Helt underbart!!
1 dl (deciliter) is 100 milliliters, if that helps! It is also about 0.43 cups. The weight depends on what ingredient you're using 🙂
Sana- Tack så mycket!
Så vacker tårta, och den ser ju verkligen supergod ut!
Denna tårtan verkar otroligt god!
Ojojoj vad gott!!
Hello Linda! Oh my goodness, what an absolutely incredible job you did on this cake and the photos! Thank you so much for the compliment about my blog. I adore your blog too–you are so, so talented! xo
Looks delicious and your photos are amazing.
I'm so greedy and your blog is delicious.
I'm a blogger but fashion fur blogger take a look at my blog http://www.welovefur.blogspot.com
Gnammy gnammy
With love and chocolate :=)
Ser ju så underbart gott ut 🙂
Mums! Den kakan ser otroligt god ut. Och fina bilder som vanligt.
Men vad gör du med alla dina tårtor? Jätte fint. Vad använder du för kamera? KRAM!
"Dekorera med strössel eller … " eller vad? 🙂 Superfin tårta! Ska göra den till påsk och se om man lyckas hehe 🙂 /anna (http://enannablom.blogg.se)
Tack allihopa! Ni är då för snälla 🙂
Thanks so much everyone!
Therese – Tack så mycket 🙂 Menar du vart de tar vägen? Hehe. Jag brukar bjuda vänner och arbetskamrater ganska ofta. Endel går ju att frysa ner också! Jag använder en Canon eos 400D. Kram!
Anna – Oj, haha! Det har jag inte ens sett! Tack för att du sa det! "Eller" ska ju såklart inte vara där 🙂
Wow vilken tårta!
Jammi!! Jag älskar chokladkakor! Ju mer smör och desto mörkare choklad.. åååå.. desto godare. Har bestämt mig att när jag blir pensionär ska jag ägna min tid åt att testa bakverk på konditorier. Blev nu sugen på att baka något smarrigt! Köket nästa!
Solen 😉
Your blog is soooo decadent. Absolutely lovely.
Din blogg är bara för härlig!Får ju massa insperation nu=)
Lovely and yummi!!
Follow you!
XOXO from Spain!
Did you use Dutch-process cocoa in this recipe or plain unsweetened, natural cocoa? I assume Dutch-process from the color but I want to be sure. Making this for a friend in the coming weeks.
hi there! just would like to ask how did you made that design on the cake? it looks so chic and cool.
nice site!
Recepten låter supergoda men var får man tag på en sockerkaksform som är 15 cm i diameter? 12 cm hittade jag på Åhléns men det är väl för litet, såg det ut som i alla fall.
Underbar blogg. Tänkte baka chokladtårtan till studenten. Är fyllningen samma som frostingen?
Otroligt härlig blogg!!!
En liten fråga kringa denna kreation dock…
På bilderna verkar tårtan så hög och tjusig men jag ser att det är ju 5 bottnar. Gjorde du en extra botten jämfört med receptet eller delade du en botten på två?
your blog is absolutely amazing! Seeing as there is 250ml of coffee in the cake, does it taste of coffee?? My friend hates coffee but loves chocolate and I want to make this for her birthday! thanks in advance 🙂
Heihei. Denne kaken skal prøves og jeg har derfor et spørsmål. Hvordan vil det være å bruke sjokoladefrosting inne i kaken og hvit smørkrem utenpå?
Det fungerar nog precis lika bra skulle jag tro!
This looks amazing! One question… can i put this cake in the refrigerator? I don't want it to become dense.
I usually store it in the fridge! It does become a bit dense when cold but if you take it out of the fridge 30-40 minutes before serving that usually solves the problem 🙂
Hi Linda! Just came from Sweden, Mölle on the west coast, where friends have a house. I loved the sweets there, e.g. Budapest was my favourite…however I am not surprised, that I see you are from Sweden…Congrats to your blog! Wonderful cakes, cupcakes etc…and amazing pictures!
Thank you! Oh, Mölle is just 1 hour away from me by car! I've never been there but I hear it's supposed to be beautiful. A lot of boats too, right? 🙂
Hi great blog and recipes.. I just have a doubt about the solids quantities in dl: do you measure them in a measuring cup for liquids?? or just do the passing to grams?? cause I guess this one varies for the ingredient you are weighting, right??
Hejsan. Underbar blogg. Så imponerad!
Är en riktig chokladälskare, dock dålig på engelskt receptspråk.
Man skulle inte kunna få detta recept på svenska?
Hälsningar Mallan
Jag skulle vilja göra en på storlek 24cm eller 28cm hur ska jag tänka med ingredienserna?
Mvh Lotta
I just made this for my brother's birthday and it was the most amazing cake for the occasion!!!!! Everyone loved the taste and even asked for second servings 🙂 thanks so much for the recipe, your blog is amazing
Underbar blogg! hade tänkt göra denna tårta och undrar hur lång tid innan man kan göra bottnarna, går de att frysa innan man fyller tårtan?
Today i was going to make this recipe.
What i do not understand is why the solid ingredients like flour and sugar
are in dl or ml. I tried to recalculate and understand this but i gave up.
can some one please give me this recipe in european standard sizes like kg and grams.
Not everybody have kitchen scales so deciliters are actually a european standard.
OMG. This is the best chocolate cake I have ever baked or tasted. Just love it. And my family and friends went totally crazy for it. I made it last week for my husband's birthday and I just could not believe how good it turned out. Thanks for posting the recipe.
Here are the pics of the cake I made using this above recipe.
Could you please explain why you use baking powder and baking soda in many of you recipes, baking powder I know of but not baking soda, is it the same as bicarbonate of soda?…..beautiful blog with yummy looking cakes, looking forward to trying some if I can work out the quantity conversions :)From Perth WA
yes baking soda = bicarbonate of soda
lovely cake! could you give us more instructions (maybe a video) on how to achieve the frosting effect? I love it!
Dear Linda, I really want to make this chocolate fudge cream for my wedding cake, but could you please tell me how much the weight of the cocoa powder and powdered sugar is in grams? I've never seen these before given in dl, as they are not liquid. 🙂 Or do grams and milliliters equal? I've just found your blog, and I really love what you do, congrats for all your work! 🙂
how would you convert the deciliter (dl) in grams?
I'd love making this, but can you please mention the measurements of ingredients in grams as well? Thank you =)
I sure would like a copy in English please…Thank you in advance…
Can we use the same batter for cupcakes
This is my absolute favorite chocolate layer cake. I love the taste of dark chocolate and coffee together, so this was a perfect cake for me. Thank you so much for this recipe!
How much buttermilk do u need in ml??please reply fast someone!
I found the measurements also confusing, so I weighed the solids after measuring them in dl.
Flower: 275gr
Sugar: 425gr
Cocoa: 55gr (cake), 45gr (icing)
Powdered sugar: 330gr
It's not very precise, but it turend out fine, though I only got two kind of flat cakes (so it's nowhere near as high or layer-y, unfortunately!) and it's a little too sweet for me.
Hi, can i use milk instead of buttermilk?
I've been trying for 30 minutes to figure out how to convert the dl for a solid like flour 🙁
Hi Michele! You can google "4 1/4 dl in cups" and see the answer straight away! In this case 4 1/4 dl is slightly more than 1 3/4 cups!
Sorry but I don't get it ' rotating pans' – what do you mean?
The heat is usually inconsistent in ovens so sometimes you need to move the cake pans around to make sure they're being baked evenly! I usually just do this when I'm baking three pans at the same time. Hope that helps!
I adore the cake. Made it last year for my husband's birthday and it was amazing.
Yay! 🙂
Hi Linda, I have to bake a wedding cake covered with sugarpaste for this Saturday and was wondering if this cake (and the filling) is solid enough to hold another cake? It's gonna be a two story-cake with the bottom cake being as much chocolate as possible and the upper one with a berry-filling. Would be awesome to hear from you! 🙂
Hello there 🙂 The filling is pretty solid, but it also needs to be refrigerated to be really solid! I would probably secure it with dowels to make sure it holds up, just to be on the safe side. Best of luck!
Thanks so much for the quick reply and the advice! 🙂 I will give it a try today!
I made this cake, it was absolutely beautiful! Devil's food cake are always a safe choice.
I've tried a couple of your other recipes and they've worked every single time!
I definitely recommend this 🙂
Awesome!! So glad they're working for you 🙂
Will the cake still be good the next day? I am entering a cake baking competition at my office and want to make this, but I have to make it the night before so I I dont want it to be dry or boring by the next day..
I think it's almost better the next day actually! Definitely not dry. If you finish the cake with frosting and all, just make sure to cover it in the fridge. Oh, and remove it from the fridge some time before serving it. Best of luck!
Identical to the Barefoot Contessa's chocolate cake recipe, just a little more dark cocoa.
You are right Michele! And also almost like these:
Most recipes are inspired by others in one way or another. It's difficult to say who is the original source for a recipe, I mean in how many variations can you make cinnamon buns. And who owns the original?
Aren't those just amazing!? Definitely craving some right now.
I made it and it is delicious! Wonderful recipe!
Hej, Jag undrar om man istället för att dela in smeten i 3 eller 4 formar, kan göra en enda stor tårtbotten av hela smeten i en form?
Jättetrevlig blogg! 🙂
Hej! Jag skulle inte baka all smet i en enda form då det finns en risk att den rinner över kanten, men framförallt att den inte blir färdiggräddad. Jag hade hellre bakat smeten i omgångar i samma form, men räcker med att du bakar två omgångar. Så gör jag alltid nuförtiden med detta receptet 🙂
It was a dream!! I so appreciate your cake recipes. I am gluten intolerant and I've been experimenting and learning how to convert your cakes. They work the best and are just BEAUTIFUL!!! (tasting and to look at! 😉 )
Thank you!!
Hej Linda! Ska baka denna tårta imorgon till min kompis som fyller 18! Men går det att ersätta kaffet med något annat (eftersom hon inte är ett stort fan av det)? Tacksam för svar så fort som möjligt! PS. Älskar dina bakverk!
Tack snälla!! Ja, det går precis lika bra med hett vatten istället för kaffet! Lycka till 🙂
Haha undrade också om kaffet! Ska faktiskt också baka denna till en kompis som fyller år.
Mycket nervös över att göra en hög tårta, har aldrig gjort tårtor med lager förut… Vet dock att frostingen är to die for så den kommer väl i alla fall uppskattas! Sen får vi se hur jämna kakbottnarna blir hahahah x) Tack för receptet och inspirationen!
Hej Alexandra! Det kommer ju gå hur bra som helst! Har faktiskt uppdaterat detta receptet om det är till hjälp (http://call-me-cupcake.blogspot.se/2013/10/an-ode-to-cake-and-recipe.html#.VUs4u1a6y2w). Du kan ju såklart skippa dulce de leche om du vill! 🙂