I’m not going to waste any time writing a long story today so just sit back and enjoy!
Jag tänker inte slösa någon tid genom att skriva ett långt inlägg idag.. (recept på svenska kommer snarast!).
“Lussekatter”, vanilla saffron buns and almond paste saffron rolls
Four layer nougat bars
Hot chocolate spoons
Homemade vanilla extract
Brownie mix (recipe HERE)
Recipes after the jump
“Lussekatter”, vanilla saffron buns and almond paste saffron rolls
1. Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Melt the butter, add saffron, milk and cream and heat until about 37°C (barely warm to the touch) Add a little of the liquid to the yeast and stir until it has dissolved, then add the rest of the liquid.
225 g softened butter
Pearl sugar
2. Mix the ingredients for the filling and spread evenly (save half the filling for the rest of the dough) on the dough. To make the shape pictured, fold the dough into half and press with your hands to press filling together.
150 g softened butter
Almond flakes or pearl sugar
Jag gjorde en dubbed sats av receptet på bottnen men det var verkligen inte nödvändigt! “Resterna” använde jag för att smula över tårtan. Notera att bottnen blir vääldigt hård i frysen och tårtan är därför svår att skära i snygga bitar!
Receptet kommer från Gourmet Traveller.
2. Låt svalna en stund i formen och vänd sedan försiktigt ut kakan på ett galler. Låt svalna helt. När bottnen är helt sval, dela den på mitten så att du får två bottnar (var försiktig då bottnen är skör, men det är inte hela världen om den går sönder!).3. Smörj en 18 cm springform (det går även bra med större men då blir tårtan lägre) med smör och täck sedan sidorna och bottnen med bakplåtspapper. Klipp remsorna runt kanterna något högre än själva formen så att pappret sticker upp några centimeter över kanten. Ställ in formen i frysen.
En 20×20 cm form
Chokladlager 1
150 g mjölkchoklad
50 g mörk choklad
alla tre ingredienser i en kastrull på låg värme. När allt har smält,
häll det i formen över bakplåtspappret, och bred ut smeten ända ut i
kanterna med en sked. Ställ in i kylen för att svalna och stelna.
Förbered nästa lager under tiden.
50 g smör
2,4 dl socker
0,6 dl kondenserad mjölk (den osötade varianten!)
0,6 dl jordnötssmör
200 g salta jordnötter, hackade
smöret i en kastrull, tillsätt sedan socker och kondenserad mjölk. Sjud
i fem minuter och rör om då och då. Tillsätt marshmallowfluff och
jordnötssmör och rör tills blandningen är slät. Ta bort från värmen och
rör i jordnötter. Låt svalna en aning och bred ut blandningen ovanpå chokladlagret. Ställ in i kylen för att stelna.
0,6 dl vispgrädde
150 g mjölkchoklad
50 g mörk choklad
0,6 dl jordnötssmör
Smält alla tre ingredienser i en kastrull på låg värme. När allt har smält,
häll det över kolalagret. Jämna till med en sked eller spatel. Ställ
formen i kylen igen minst två timmar, täckt med plastfolie. Skär i lagom
stora bitar.
kankana says
WOW.. I have no idea from where to start but I just can't take my eyes off those chocolate spoons! 🙂
thecitygourmand says
Incredible, just like reading a magazine. That fudge cherry cake looks crazy good!
XTrail DayTripper says
I haven't even had breakfast yet but I so want icecream cake and 4 layers of nougat and caramel and chocolate spoons. OMG!!! Drool.
aliceinbakingland says
Incredible as usual! What beautiful photograhy and delicious food. I love the look of that icecream cake. Perfect for southern hemisphere christmases!
MissMette says
Ser helt fantastisk ut 🙂
Du er bare utrolig flink
og inspirerende! – just
fantastic ღ Ønsker deg en
fortsatt fin førjulstid &
jul som snart er her ღ
Klem fra Mette
Yelena Strokin says
I love every one of them! Mary Christmas to you and your family.
Punto Reves says
Outstanding post! Thankyou for sharing!
Vintage Rose Brocante || Vintage Vanille says
Love! Well worth the wait Linda!
Mela e Cannella says
Omg Amazing Post Linda Mary Christmas to you!!! Kiss <3
Tiffany @ Savor Home says
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!!!
Shades of Cinnamon says
What a fabulous post – recipes and pictures are sensational.
Happy Holidays
Margherita says
WOW!!!!! I wasn't prepared at all for such an amazing ride.
That 4 layer nougat looks insane, not to mention the chocolate spoons: amazing
Blog fiestafacil says
SUCH a beautiful post, thanks! And the recipes are really useful! Merry Christmas!
Jopie says
Wauw Wauw Wauw, where to start, this is really amazing!!! Thank you so much for making this beautiful blog and Merry Christmas ♥
xx Suzan from Studio Jopie
Ilenia says
Hello Linda, I'm Ilenia, from Italy… And I've completely fallen in love with your blog! Reading your posts is like entering a magic world. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and recipes with us 🙂 and Merry Christmas!
barbaraT @ pane-burro says
OVERWHELMING! everything gorgeous, but those hot chocolate spoons are simply a brilliant idea.. GENIUS!!
I love your blog, is there any English version of your book available?
Happy Holidays from Rome, Italy
Wiener Wohnsinn says
beautiful pictures and amazing recipes !
Love the bottles with the vanilla extract the most !
xoxo melanie
Wiener Wohnsinn says
oh I´ve forgotten : merry X-Mas !! 🙂
Julia says
Oh my, these Christmas recipes look great.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Lary // Lary-Tales says
Amazing Post!! I love all the Ideas so much! ♥♥♥
Oskar says
Ser väldigt gott ut 🙂
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom says
Now, THIS is a Christmas post!! Wow! Everything looks absolutely amazing. . esp the Fudge ice cream cake with cherries. . WOW. Freaking beautiful.
Martina says
You're amazing, a Genius!
I love all recipes and photos, adore you <3
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Kristin @ The Chocolate Box says
Oj, det var mycket smarrigt på en gång där 😀 Lovely! Gillar framför allt nougatbitarna, ser supergoda ut!
Hanna says
Fantastiskt! Helt ljuvligt att få ta del av dina underbara recept. TACK
Jaga says
Chocolate spoons!
Marta @ What should I eat for breakfast today says
wow, the phrase that you always eat with your eyes firs has a new meaning. Everything looks simply amazing.
MrsCake says
Absolutely gorgeous.
Lisa says
Everything is SO beautiful! Merry Christmas xx
Lubna says
My God what an incredible post! Everything looks amazing and so delicious!
Lubna | http://www.ellevox.blogspot.com
Anonymous says
Ser väldigt gott ut…men var får du tag i färska körsbär så här års?
Anonymous says
…och evaporerad mjölk? Har ringt både ICA Maxi och Willys, finns tyvärr inte i någon av butikerna.
linda says
Körsbär köpte jag på Hemköp samt på NK saluhall 🙂 Men man kan naturligtvis använda hallon eller något annat som är lättare att få tag på!
Mjölken är av märket Rainbow Quality milk och på burken står det Original. Jag köpte på Willys för den var tillfälligt slut på Ica maxi. Man skulle nog kalla den kondenserad mjölk på svenska fast den är osötad, så det är ju ändå inte riktigt samma. Hoppas det var till någon hjälp!
Kimberly Dawn Christie says
You are the most brilliant, talented girl … I adore everything you do. Please, please find an English publisher this coming year … I will buy every single book you publish!
linda says
Thank you so much Kimberly!! You are too sweet. I can tell you things are looking up… 😉
HsB says
Island Girlz says
Everything looks so delicious!
Check out my jewelry giveaway at http://islandgirl-kd.blogspot.com/
lapetitecuisine says
Absolut beautiful ideas vor the christmas kitchen. The vanilla exstract, the nougat bars and the hot choc spoons just knocked me off! Great things to have on yout own or as a gift. Love your styling! Very merry Christmas to you! Susanne
Patce's Patisserie says
all of your photos look so great and delicious!
GGBG Syle says
Just gorgeous!!! so pretty, yummy and inspiring 🙂 once more you haven't disappointed us (your fans). I would love to write an article about you some day. we have to contact with each other some time. happy holidays!
Cristina C says
God Jul! Du är välkommen på http://filmandotherstories.blogspot.se/.
Anonymous says
Thank you! I loved everything.
Lotta says
När kommer recepten ut på tårtan månntro? Vill göra den till min nyårsfest!
therecetteresearch says
Great pictures !!!
Anonymous says
Everything is just BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL.
shattered says
quick question!
you don't let the yeast rise when you make these buns? you only dissolve it with milk and cream?
love your blog, btw, and i love the swedish bits of the text because it's my major in college (:
linda says
Hi there!
I'm not sure I understand 🙂 I let the dough rise, that's what I normally do!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy the Swedish bits!
shattered says
well since you said to use fresh yeast, how we normally use it is we break it into little bits, pour warm water over it and let it sit for 5 minutes so that is "rises" or gets all foamy. and then we blend it with flour to make dough. is this how you did it or did you just dissolve the yeast in milk by stirring it?
marta says
in Sweden, we just dissolve the yeast in water/milk…by stirring it & then u can mix flour in directly. not like dry yeast u have to kinda "reactivate" it for a while b4 u can use/mix it with flour. but if u do the same way with fresh yeast, it could be over-reactivated and the dough will be affected.
ComidaDeMama says
That's a very good post.
Kreetta says
wow. tasteful.
jacqueline says
I love this post so much!! Thank YOU!
Abhijit Sarkar says
wow, this is really a big post and i totally love it man, I loved the pics of christmas cupcakes, they are amazing,
Geronda says
I'm 13 years old. Is there a problem if I use this homemade Vanilla extract ?
linda says
Hi Geronda! There shouldn't be a problem using vanilla extract for you as the alcohol evaporates in high temperatures. And generally you use so very little in a recipe that the percentage of alcohol is very low. If you still feel concerned about it, I suggest not using it at all!
Anonymous says
Hej! Vart kan man få tag på vegetariska marshmallows, eller av fiskgelatin? (Läste nånstans att du också är vegetarian 🙂 )
Tacksam för svar!!
Anonymous says
Linda, are you sure you made the cake with 110g butter?? I'm doing it right now and it is very very dick. I checked the recipe in Gourmet traveller and there is 320g butter, should be 160g in your recipe then, shouldn't it?
Nice new site design… But the archive is missing!!! I couldn't find this post!
Anonymous says
Would be nice, if you answer the questions…
This recipe is an absolute fail. The dough for brownies is very dick and brownies then dry. By the time the brownies are eatable after taking it out from the freezer, the ice cream is liquid already. And the frozen raw cherries are horrible..
What a waste of material and time…